Show us your Kitt, and your school could win a FREE allergy assembly!
When we first launched, every Anaphylaxis Kitt we sent out felt like a special occasion.
We hand-delivered to our first seven schools, replacing the prototype Kitts they'd been using in our pilot, and got to oversee every install.
But two years later, and there's almost 800 Anaphylaxis Kitts installed across the UK - most of which we've never seen.
The growth and support we've seen has been crazy, but unfortunately, we can't get our small team to every install - although at least our online platform with install guides and checkups helps us ensure everything is running smoothly!
So - if you work in a school and have one of our Kitts:
Take a photo (or two) of your Kitt, just like the examples below
Upload it to your school's social media pages
Make sure to tag us @ Kitt Medical
We'll then pick a school at random to win a FREE in-person allergy assembly for your students and staff on us!